Are we becoming Ants instead of sheep?
Statistics, statistics, statistics, if we take notice of these statistics we keep on hearing about WOW! will we be in trouble. It seems the whole world has been misguided and led down the garden path, in a direction forced upon us, by people who best take advantage of the way we first ask a question, to get an answer we need, to produce the correct statistic we require to point our lamb to the slaughter. Yes asking a well phrased question can ultimately give us the answer we require, to get the result we set out to get, without there being any chance of opposition to the desired result. The question is the key, asked in the right context, with a hint of persuasion we can get 80% of the people to give us the answer YES!, or NO, whichever one we want. We have become sheep following the poll's that say, Obama's great, Obama's crap, he wont get reelected, he wasn't born here, he screwed up with the debt ceiling. Sheep get a sense of safety and well being together in the flock, that's why they follow each other over the cliff to there doom. I ask are we somewhat guilty of doing that ourselves today. The housing bubble was a get rich quick passage of time where many joined blindly, while some looked on saying "this cannot keep going on", we still kept on jumping off the cliff, right up until the last minuet, buying that extra house that proved to be the bursting of the bubble. Supposedly the definition of being insane is to repeat a process over and over again getting the same result but expecting the next time to be different. Maybe the world is insane, now there's a thought. Information has played a big part in the way this has all evolved. A long time ago before the web, T V, the phone, before the wire, before post. Information was a lot harder to obtain. Swinging people's attitude, support, vote, religion, belief, took a lot more effort. Public speaking was all the rage, where we got to hear from the guy with the opinion, the direction, the meaning of life. We got to hear and then make our own conclusion of what we had just witnessed. No statistics here, just good old listening, understanding, agreeing, disagreeing, discussion, WOW clarity as far as I can see making one's own decisions, evaluations. Back to the sheep, yes we still flocked a bit but not so unanimously, we had more varied ideas, we had more direct understanding, more personnel understanding. Now ants there's a subject? They seem to be the insect or animal of the day. No bleating, flocking, following each other over the cliff, No ants have antenna's, telecommunication, not a flock but still have a desire to stick together. They seem to go off alone a lot exploring, bumping into things bumping into each other sometimes, but then sharing information for the good of the nest and boy when they find that pot of gold do they get to work. I have seen lines of these critters 15 yards long toe to toe, antenna to antenna, three, four, five deep in places all working together for the same goal, a lump of meat or the like. There are maybe 5,6,7000 all doing the same thing. But its not jumping off a cliff. I now look at what is going on today with Egypt, Syria, America, London, many other places using there antennas to form groups who go on a rampage joined by the phone on twitter, Facebook, blogger. All with the same intent, idea, not jumping off a cliff, but getting the piece of meat.
Neil Roach
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