Robots are obviously made in our own image, so why do we have such a problem when people make the link and analyze our behavioral patterns as being similar or the same. All computers and in turn Robots logic, thinking and working function is based in the binary system, a simple either or, yes or no accountability in order to move forward in a process. "Shall I have a drink, Yes or No, if Yes, DRINK said drink. if No do not drink said drink < reset> to start and await next question".NEXT QUESTION "Shall I have a drink, Yes or No, if YES DRINK if NO do not drink GO back to START!.
Omitted in this sequence was the IF X= more than Y GO TO LINE THREE, DO NOT DRINK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. This is the line that non alcoholics HAVE in there armory, but alcoholics seem NOT to have. The second drink sequence that becomes THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH and more and more, eventually fall down stupid.
I have never seen a robot drunk, however I don't know whether or not anyone has ever programmed one to either try and get drunk or deal with the consequences of being drunk. Anyway with this in mind the programmer would have to write a program of self destruction in order to complete the exercise, a costly experiment at best. Why would we NOT write the program of self destruction for a robot, yet self destruct by drinking too oblivion using our own body and thinking process.
The YES/NO question appears a lot in our life and is not solely confined to the drinking question, it appears in every decision we have in our life and dictates the natural course of events that rule our destiny. This is why the right Yes or No is so important. The butterfly effect can take great advantage by the miss use of a YES or NO changing our life for the better or worse at the blink of an eye. Making the right decision at any point in our life or YES/NO sequence of events is obviously very important and should be given all our time and effort, this is not a time to be lazy or not give our fullest attention.
There is not or was not a programmer who wrote the program with the perfect sequence and correct YES or NO response's for US, we are an ongoing program being written as we speak. The programmer for us is our conscience, giving us the chance to make the right YES/NO, I mean correct decision, in order for us to complete the program, I mean live life to it's fullest. Yes with the right conscience we can complete the program or is it with the right programmer we can get a conscience.HEY! you can maybe see something here,YES/NO. IF X= more than Y GO TO LINE TWELVE,AND SELF-DESTRUCT!!!!!
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