Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The taste of things to come!!!!!!!

The taste of things to come
I can remember as a child my first taste of beer and wondering what is all the fuss about, I was expecting some wondrous flavor,  to be much better than orange juice, even better than strawberries and cream, but no it was to be a bitter disappointment indeed, bitter being the operative word.
       This new drink was SO bitter it would make you screw your face up as if you were entering a gurning competition, it was I thought maybe some sort of blend of sand, soap, salt, petroleum, sulphuric  acid, and maybe some embalming fluid. It seemed to me that someone was having a joke at my expense and somewhere along the line someone would pop out and give me a glass of the REAL BEER, the one everybody  else was drinking and enjoying. But no this was it, the all powerful elixir of life, the drink of champions and solver of the worlds problems. How could I now be a champion, King of the land, leader of the pack, save the world from all that is evil and bad if I couldn’t even drink this crap. Something would have to give. Ah! Lemonade, English lemonade that is ,Sprite to you here in the colonies, ooops! Sorry USA. The sweet addition made the whole thing more palatable and now I could join the party of life with the big boys chugging pint after pint until the early hours.
      The whole point was to look around the pub and see who was doing the best in the game of life, this could be assessed by watching who drank the most volume wise , had the most expensive taste, bought the most drinks for every one of his friends or indeed other people not friends, and still managed to appear in control of the situation or in fact not if he just spent enough and you got your share. Real big shots drank what we call shorts gin and tonic, vodka and orange, whiskey dry so on. The elite drank these on their own straight up. While I was in this early stage of development I was allowed to nurse my sugary elixir of beer and lemonade “SHANDY” or lager and lime, the next step up, followed by a gut retching powerful alcoholic dynamite drink called scrumpy, ”CIDER”.
       This three year scholarship was an incredible experience touring drinking establishments around the Midlands and of course getting to know where the bathroom was in each and every one of them. This was all in the aim of finding my AQUIRED TASTE for the wonderful array of devilish liquors called BEER. The progression to beer straight up was just this, acquiring the taste for this fluid called beer, it had crept up on me without me noticing all the effects, my palette had changed and now accepted this dry bitter bland fluid, I had been tricked and now moved onto experimenting with the other stuff, again adding sweeteners to AQUIRE the taste. Did I like it , who knows, it wasn’t about the taste, it was all about looking the part and appearing affluent  and affording it. The more I could drink and buy the more successful I was, or so I had been led to believe. On a desert island with only the option of one fluid to drink of sound body and mind the sane person would pick water over alcohol, given the choice of all the drinks in the whole world I can honestly say that if I were asked of my favorite drink for taste alone, it would be orange juice with the vodka and orange coming second only because of affect.
      I am now in a prolonged period of my life where I am alcohol free, my brain has suddenly jumped into gear spurred on by my respect for the aging process and advancing years, I am guarding my health by eating and drinking healthily and finding an ease in doing so by thinking back at the disgust of the taste of beer in my early youth and logically saying to myself “WHY NOT” orange juice, why would I drink a sort of blend of sand, soap, salt, petroleum, sulphuric  acid, and maybe some embalming fluid or should I call it BEER!!!!!?

why don't robots get drunk

Robots are obviously made in our own image, so why do we have such a problem when people make the link and analyze our behavioral patterns as being similar or the same. All computers and  in turn Robots logic, thinking and working function is based in the binary system, a simple either or, yes or no accountability in order to move forward in a process. "Shall I have a drink, Yes or No, if Yes, DRINK said drink. if No do not drink said drink < reset> to start and await next question".NEXT QUESTION "Shall I have a drink, Yes or No, if YES DRINK if NO do not drink GO back to START!. 
     Omitted in this sequence was the IF X= more than Y GO TO LINE THREE, DO NOT DRINK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. This is the line that non alcoholics HAVE in there armory, but alcoholics seem NOT to have. The second drink sequence that becomes THIRD, FOURTH,  FIFTH and more and more, eventually fall down stupid.
     I have never seen a robot drunk, however I don't know whether or not anyone has ever programmed one to either try and get drunk or deal with the consequences of being drunk. Anyway with this in mind the programmer would have to write a program of self destruction in order to complete the exercise, a costly experiment at best. Why would we NOT write the program of self destruction for a robot, yet self destruct by drinking too oblivion using our own body and thinking process. 
     The YES/NO question appears a lot in our life and is not solely confined to the drinking question, it appears in every decision we have in our life and dictates the natural course of events that rule our destiny. This is why the right Yes or No is so important. The butterfly effect can take great advantage by the miss use of a YES or NO changing our life for the better or worse at the blink of an eye. Making the right decision at any point in our life or YES/NO sequence of events is obviously very important and should be given all our time and effort, this is not a time to be lazy or not give our fullest attention. 
     There is not or was not a programmer who wrote the program with the perfect sequence and correct YES or NO response's for US, we are an ongoing program being written as we speak. The programmer for us is our conscience, giving us the chance to make the right YES/NO, I mean correct decision, in order for us to complete the program, I mean live life to it's fullest. Yes with the right conscience we can complete the program or is it with the right programmer we can get a conscience.HEY! you can maybe see something here,YES/NO. IF X= more than Y GO TO LINE TWELVE,AND SELF-DESTRUCT!!!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Mirror often tells a different story!!!

Looking into the mirror is often used as a way of letting ourselves know that we can have a totally different opinion of how we appear to others and in fact a true test of whether or not we know who we are ourselves or whether or not we are telling ourselves we are something we are not. Sounds  confusing doesn’t it and yes it is if we don’t tell the truth.
Conscience plays a big part in all this. One thing about looking into the mirror is that we need to be happy with what we see coming back at us. Our conscience if it’s truthful, should be happy with what it is seeing and the way we are attempting our life. The start of the day is always the most difficult and a time that can set the pace for the day, that terrible decision of shall I sleep a few more minutes and drive faster to still get to work on time, what can I give up, the coffee, the breakfast, brushing my teeth, showering, combing my hair, negotiating my quality of life for laziness’s sake. We argue with our conscience (our higher power) over everything we do, our conscience taking the higher ground and “We” trying to take every shortcut known to mankind. This is why looking in the mirror is so hard to do; we know what the argument is about but not who is winning it. This is of course where the truth can be shaped to fit a less than productive schedule or made to suite our less than perfect moral standards. We can if we wish design a world where all the standards are set to our levels and interpretations. So how do we live with this confusion or is there really any confusion, if the truth be known, only “We” know, only we can really know the truth and self-incriminate ourselves for the lie,  unless we are that good we have begun to believe our own lies.
So in essence when all said and done  the point of the story, if you look into the mirror and start arguing straight away and seem to be leaning towards the lazier or less moral route to completing the task set before you. The likelihood is you are not listening to your HIGHER ,more moral, more conscientious, more energetic, POWER, I mean conscience.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The TWELVE STEPS as I see them today

Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable
At the time of my traffic stop I remember the surrender to the officer that I had been drinking. I believe I knew my fate at that moment and thought at last the time had come to stop the madness and admit there was a problem Houston. 
Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
The law is definitely a higher power this would serve the purpose for now
Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God
The lawyer and all the therapy consultants I saw over the next few months helped to make all the relevant decisions in order to redirect my life for the next few months. They were in control at a price. I do not believe in GOD per say
Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
Professional analysts prepared a defense for my case and after many consultations my story was put together for the judge or higher power to see
Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs
Agreed to a plea bargain with the judge, the prosecution, and of course the defense and myself. We were all in agreement
Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
The judge agreed on a sentence including a 12 month suspension, 12 month probation, and to complete the 12 step program, surely while serving my penance within the confines of the 12 everything’s I might even find 12 defects. A good number 12, I hope Tom Hanks can get a conspiracy movie out of it like angels and demons.
Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings
Asked the judge for leniency with the plea bargain and to understand that I might change my ways with help from the program.
Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all
I had already started doing this step before the incident, maybe some preconceived knowledge of the events to come, the end is nigh, tempting fate, written in the tea leaves and all that sort of stuff. It was as if I knew my destiny. Nicolas Cage would like this plot for a movie maybe. Knowing
Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others
In my case long distance apologies are my only option and judging by the fact that I have gotten a response I think I am on the right road. I still have people close to me that I need to complete this step with. In fact this will be an ongoing process for the rest of my lifetime.
Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it
Attending meetings everyday listening to all the suggestions and readings and applying it to my new lifestyle where applicable. Again an ongoing process that will last a lifetime
Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out
I don’t believe in GOD! However I have been inspired by the beach meetings, seeing the sunrise on every Saturday Sunday morning. This has given me a new consciousness. In fact I am coming to the belief that my conscience may be the higher power that I need to answer too. I now seem to be questioning myself on a regular basis with every issue of goodwill to all others and my tardiness, laziness personal cleanliness and general anal retentiveness . I see the laziness in myself and others as a real source to the problems we all have, I find links to every problem we talk about in the meetings, in the news, on the web in the world. Never mind the drugs and drink let’s all get busy so we don’t get the time to indulge in these problematic pastimes.
Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs
If anyone agrees with these ideas or has any input please let me know? This is my interpretation and only applies to me. I realize this might not be for everyone else, or in fact anyone else but me.

nice start!! TODAY THURSDAY!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

we dont need a psychiatrist we just need Wally!!!!!

I can remember going to the pub and sharing my problems with everybody, (They seemed to go away)
There was always someone with a sarcastic response that would actually put you on the right path to solving the problem or shame you into doing the right thing.You all know who you are, the sarcastic ones that is

Sunday, December 4, 2011

today a GIFT at the beach

a little windy but the pictures speak volumes, A true gift, Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present and that's a gift

Christmas for kids golf tournament Dec.3rd 2011

just a glimpse of some of the people who attended and took part in a real worthy cause, congratulations to all involved and well done for raising all the money for all the kids at Christmas

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

butt man

Hi!! I'm cigarette BUTT-MAN not to be confused with the butt man character Cramer portrayed in Seinfeld!!!
      I’ve been collecting butts in the car park for a few days now as part of my community service program, this is my punishment for doing something stupid and getting another dui. 
     I have been here before and obviously didn’t learn anything   Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Albert  Einstein  theory.
      I was a believer in Darwin myself and the evolution theory, believing that I was the part of the link where man drinks more and more and develops a liver that can process all the alcohol it would take to keep me happy permanently.
    Although drink has been a problem, it cannot be blamed as being the only culprit.  I was looking to find a positive out of all this and found walking around the car park could be seen as an exercise session and aid to my healthy recovery.
      I spent a lot of time with those butts out there in the car park, analyzing how they got there and who was responsible.   A lot of the butts were where you would expect them, in the ash trays on the tables and ash trays around the front of the building. In the bins came second an equally good choice. However third came on the floor around the tables within a six foot radius of the ash trays and bins. Fourth came the grassy areas and bushes within twelve feet of the trays and bins, fifth the car park floor around the front of the building. It then seemed to fan out and get to be around all other cars parked in the car park fairly close to the building. I tried to analyze brands ,styles, amount left, connect the makes with the style of cars or owner, for instance marlbourgh equaled F250 or truck, all menthol could be a Prius hybrid, camel could be a recovering narcotic as they  are so strong it’s an attempt to get a buzz off a cigarette. The cigars were matched with the more exotic bmw, porche,  jag rolls or the like. 
      My other thought was that some people MAYBE had parked further away so as to be able to light up  and walk to the car having time to finish it. This was also linked to  part of my research on the nearly still complete butt leftover. The part of the car park down by the entrance on lake ida furthest from the front door was like virgin territory , I called this area the shires after lord of the rings where Frodo lived. Here I could have my zen moment , however butts were found here in limited numbers,
    I thought WHO!!  Were these people that they walked so far, it was the conflict of EXERCISE and smoking a cigarette then dumping the evidence.
      I was surely starting to over think all this BUTT STUFF!!!
BUT NO!!  it goes deeper ,this is part of the problem , it may even be the start of it all. 
     I’ve been there, I have thrown the butt and said to myself biodegradable  what the heck, it’s much easier than putting it in the ash tray. The next step is the sweet wrapper,the cigarette packet, the burger wrapper, I progressed to tax evasion instead of avoidance, smuggle instead of import, steal instead of buy, drive drunk instead of taxi.
      President OBAMA got in a lot of trouble for saying this about the American people the other day he said we were lazy.
 I HAD GOT LAZY and the laziness spread and impregnated my whole life, it was like the butterfly effect, the chain reaction spread like wildfire and there was no controlling it.
      There could be a lot of people out there with this same problem and they don’t even know it!!!!!!!!!!! So KICK that BUTT not through that BUTT!!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011


BLACK FRIDAY!!!!! YEA ITS BLACK ALL RIGHT!!!!! america don't rush there's no panic at all nobodies got any money or they are all camped out at occupy somewhere.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

NYPD Police Pepper Spray Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Anthony Balogna)

peaceable protest what peacefull protest, how do we let the police get away with this brutal flagrance of the law. Why do we not think that this is the way to escalate the problem to batons,knives,fire bombs,guns you can see where I am going with this.Free country,free speech NOT HERE!!!!!!

Sunday morning walk on the beach trying to get healthy again

really feeling the pinch three mile walk on the beach watching time go by. You can see a trainee wind sailor in the one photo he is defiantly getting better every day I watch him.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

we probably deserve it for being so stupid

Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, Washington has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early, mandatory retirement, thus creating
jobs and reducing unemployment.
This scheme will  known as RAPE 
(Retire Aged People Early).

Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to Washington to be considered for the SHAFT program 
(Special Help After Forced Termination).

Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program 
(System Covering Retired-Early Workers).

A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as Washington deems appropriate.

Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependents & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance).

Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by Washington.

Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much SHIT 
(Special High Intensity Training) as possible. Washington has always prided themselves on the amount of SHIT they give our citizens.

Should you feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring this to the attention of your Representative, who has been trained to give you all the SHIT you can handle.

The Committee for Economic Value of Individual Lives (E.V.I.L.)

PS - Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas
and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of
the Tunnel has been turned off.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

CHRIS MENTOR ME! Mentored me Truly Amazing!!!! REVIEW


Are you looking for an online business? My name is Neil Roach. This is my honest Chris Farrell Membership Site Review. I am not a professional internet marketer. In fact, I am unemployed I mean self employed live at home mom I mean dad, so I may just be one of the most boring people who ever did an internet marketing product review. OK, that's enough about me. I can tell your eyes are getting heavy already.
Let me tell you why I am so excited about this membership. If you know much about internet marketing at all you probably know that in order to succeed in an online business you need to build a list. I always knew that but here's the problem. How do you build a list?
If you are a complete beginner, you may even need to start at a more basic level than that. What about a website? Yeah, you're going to need one of those, first.

Free Gift #1 is:
Create Your First Website by 3:45 This Afternoon

Here's the great part. Chris is going to let you have a copy of the same Squeeze Page he uses to build his list. Plus, he's going to tell you step-by-step not only how to build a website but more importantly, how to build a web business by building a list.

Free Gift #2:
A Successful Web Business Explained ... Step-by-Step!

He really will be telling you himself. You see, he has tons of videos on the membership site explaining everything in non-technical terms.
There are many, many benefits to joining the Chris Farrell Membership but let me tell you the main reason I joined. I've been trying to make money online for several years now and I've made a few dollars here and there but I never did the one thing that I should have done, build a list. The main reason was because I didn't know what to say to people once they were on my list. Chris has solved my main problem.
Chris will give you one year's worth of auto-responder messages to send out to people who join your list. Chris has created what I believe is about as close as you come to a turnkey business. Yes, there is work involved but he'll be teaching you step-by-step.
This really is a great opportunity for you to learn all about internet marketing from someone who knows what he's talking about and is willing to teach you. You can't go wrong.
Now we have gone to the next stage of learning and a guarantee to boot!!! CHRIS MENTOR ME!!!! Should be called Chris mentored me !!! I have already learned a number of lessons now he carries on the project and says we will earn money within six weeks. HOW CAN WE FAIL!!
One of the things that he has created is a 26 video course explaining how to set up a web business. You can get this for free just by signing up for more info from my website at HelpMeBuildaList.com . Chris says he may be selling this $197 very soon but you can get it for free just for signing up from my website.

The reason why I am asking you to go to my website instead of his is simple. Remember what I said earlier about building a list. That's exactly what I am doing but I am showing you how at the same time. My squeeze page at HelpMeBuildaList.com is a personalized copy of Chris' squeeze page which you can get, too as a member.

If you put in your contact info on my squeeze page, you'll go to the thank you page. The thank you page is also a copy of Chris' thank you page.

Even the emails you'll receive from me are personalized copies of Chris' email campaign. If you have an Aweber account you'll be able to copy an entire year's worth of emails with a simple code which Chris will supply to you.

If you don't know what a squeeze page is or if you've never heard of Aweber, don't worry. Every thing will be explained to you in a simple step-by-step fashion by Chris himself in the free videos.

The link to the free videos will be sent to you on the second day automatically from my Aweber auto-responder account.

Here is a list of all the videos:

Video 1: How to Make Money Online
Video 2: Creating a Successful Web Business - the tools you will need
Video 3: Getting Familiar and Friendly with Aweber!
Video 4: Confirmation Email Explained
Video 5: Configuring Your Confirmation Email
Video 6: Creating Your First Message in Aweber
Video 7: Getting Comfortable with FTP
Video 8: Saving Everything Correctly! HUGELY IMPORTANT!!
Video 9: Downloading the Files You Need
Video 10: How to Unzip
Video 11: Downloading Your Free Gift
Video 12: Halfway Through! (almost!) Let's Recap!!
Video 13: The eBook Teaser! First 20 pages...
Video 14: Uploading Your eBook!
Video 15: Configuring Your Download Page
Video 16: Configuring Your Thank You Page
Video 17: Uploading Your Thank You and Download Page
Video 18: Creating Your Opt In Form
Video 19: Inserting Your Opt In Form
Video 20: Customizing Your Squeeze Page
Video 21: Uploading Your Squeeze Page
Video 22: Becoming an Affiliate
Video 23: Configuring Your First Follow Up Message at Aweber
Video 24: Adding an Affiliate Link into Your Follow Up Messages
Video 25: Test Test Test!
Video 26: Traffic Generation and Final Words...
From the Chris Farrell Membership Website
Chris Farrell Membership has been voted the Number One Internet Marketing Service Online in 2009 and again in 2010.

Chris Farrell Membership is a private, members-only, resource for those serious about creating a regular and continuous income online.

Within the private, members-only area, you'll find a comprehensive source of in-depth information, hands on help and advice, downloadable products developed exclusively for this site, product ideas and suggestions, development tutorials, but above all - a supportive and helpful team and 'family'.

This website contains thousands of training modules, video tutorials, articles, ideas, resources, software downloads, and much more.

All taught in a 'step-by-step', 'easy-to-understand', 'paint-by-numbers' style.

Uninterrupted access to the private, members only area includes:

* Your First 33 Days At This Site! A fast track blueprint to starting online - revealing EXACTLY how to start making money online. Daily - relaxed - and easy-to-understand video modules - presented by Chris - that will take you 'by-the-hand' and show you precisely what to do - and in what order.

* Free Unlimited Web Hosting. Enjoy full free hosting for unlimited domain names. This is worth $9.95 per domain PER month - so you can quickly see how much this will save you.

* EXACT 'Copy This' STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT - How To Make $250+ online every day. EVERY SINGLE STEP EXPLAINED AND SHOWN IN STEP BY STEP DETAIL - Created Especially For The Newcomer (ie non techie talk).

* Exclusive rights to send a copy of SUCCESS GRENADE to your list every week. There are 58 copies - so you now have over a years worth of INSTANT quality content. This alone is worth more than $15,000. - This benefit will GREATLY help you develop, strengthen and nurture a relationship with your list. You will learn that over 90% of your online income will come FROM YOUR LIST - so this benefit alone will help you tremendously.

* 21 Days To Success. A step-by-step walkthrough on how to create a web business - broken down into 21 daily video modules - that you can either download to your computer - or watch live at this site. Explained in 'non-techie' 'easy-to-understand' language. Already used by THOUSANDS to start online.

* I Love Traffic You Love Traffic! Award winning traffic generating video course - created by Chris Farrell.

* A Web Business Explained 26 part video course. Watch over Chris's shoulder - as he demystifies and reveals slowly and clearly - exactly how to make money online.

* Use Chris's pre-written emails. Not sure 'what' to write in emails? No problem - use (and personalize) over 60 pre-created emails personally written and used by Chris.

* Exclusive Rights to give away Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon ...the eBook. This eBook has been the one deciding factor that took Chris' list from ZERO to 15,000 - in just over a year. This value alone is worth more than $2000 - and these rights have never been issued before and are strictly exclusive to this site only.

* Exclusive Rights to use the EXACT website that has build Chris a list of over 15,000 ( click here to see). This website comes with an exclusive video from Chris that will help conversions even further. Chris still uses this exact website today - and it converts at 70%. That means 7 out of 10 visitors that arrive at this site - sign up. This is an extremely powerful benefit - it will allow you to start online immediately with a website that genuinely works - and this alone is worth thousands of dollars.

* Free Techie Help - Value $50/hour.

* Free Immediate Access To Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon...the VIDEOS! This 43 video course - spanning over 6 hours - has helped thousands start successfully online. The course sells for $67 (and sells well) but is yours FREE.

* Free Access To The VERY Lively DISCUSSION FORUM - moderated by Chris Farrell.

* The Basics! EVERY single step of 'how' to make money online - explained in simple - step by step instructions.

* 24 hour Video-On-Demand. Have a question? Ask Chris - and get a personalized video answer within 24 hours.

* Full Master Resale Rights to the first product that made Chris $250/day (these rights have never been given away/or sold before).

* Chris's Private Vault! - use personally written email messages and content - created by Chris Farrell - to help build relationships with your customers.

* Thousands of verifiable testimonials - from newcomers of all ages and abilities who have now successfully begun online.

* Weekly Free Training 'no-pitch' Webinars. Every Sunday join Chris as he teaches in real time - via interactive webinar - a particular skill pertaining to making money online. Includes an 'Ask Chris' Q & A session.

* All video courses and training created and presented by Chris Farrell. All these products are Chris's original work.

* Thousands of verifiable testimonials.

* Step-By-Step Blueprint of a $250/day plan - how to actually make money online - every step explained - in a 'paint-by-numbers' style. This is VERY important - as I want you to understand this business first. Only once do you understand how it works - can you then implement this knowledge and actually make money online.

* Exclusive Rights to Re-brand Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon eBook. This means you can add your own affiliate links to the eBook - allowing you to earn a residual income while at the same time building your list.

* Free Access To Entire Back Catalogue Of Success Grenade - ALL the back-issues of Chris Farrell's Newsletter Success Grenade in one location.

* Fully Downloadable Library - all the newcomer needs in one convenient location. No 'fluff or filler' - just genuinely useful downloads.

* Free Access To The Training Lab - Exclusive Training from Chris Farrell on key strategic elements. This training takes the form of regular live web tv shows (presented by Chris), videos and webinars.

* Every question you have answered - in 'human' non- technical talk (and explained!)

* Free Access To Premium Link Cloaking Service - developed by Jeff the Web Guy - one of the team here - especially with members of this site in mind. This will allow you easily to protect your affiliate links. Normally this product is sold but it's yours FREE.

* Ask Chris! - regular free Q and A sessions with Chris.

* Exclusive Web Templates.

* Free Instant Website Creation Software.

* Over 720 How-To Videos - all by Chris - more added daily.

* Over 600 Articles - more added daily.

* Thought For The Day - Daily Inspiration. Because we all need a little inspiration and motivation at times!

* Exclusive Step-By-Step guide to creating your web business.

* Exclusive Rights to Re-Brand Shattering The Myth - one of Chris Farrell's eBooks. Sell or give it away with your own links in inside.

* Exclusive Reprint Rights to use my articles on your site or blog. Instant content!

* Participate! You are invited to get involved; ask questions in the forum, tell other members of your site.

* Wordpress! Keywords! Autoresponders! Traffic! Marketing! Every single ingredient of creating a successful online business - explained in simple to understand language

* This is a contemporary membership site. It was launched in 2009 - all the content and downloads are current and relevant to today's climate (unlike many other sites).

* Created and moderated by someone (Chris) who CLEARLY remembers how difficult it can be to start in this business. Chris began online in Feb 2008.

* New ideas and exiting content regularly added...

* Be part of a genuine, focused, supportive, creative network of like-minded individuals, all for a monthly fee of $37 ($4.95 for the first 7 days).

* Voted No.1 Internet Marketing Service 2009/2010 - by IMReportCard (the leading online review site).

Join this community and discover the tactics, techniques and strategies for anyone starting, improving or growing an online business.

Subscribing now guarantees that you'll immediately receive access to everything you need to start creating your online business, no matter what level you are at.

Hope this is helpful to moving you along the path to financial security and wellbeing
Best Regards
Neil Roach

Friday, September 2, 2011

Create a website and trully understand how and what you've acheived !!!

Chris Mentor Me

I joined the Chriss Farrell site and have learned more in 21 days, one of the startup courses Chriss teaches, than I did in 9 years of school.

Discover How To Create A Profitable Web Business -- Starting Today!
21 Days To Success
Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon...the VIDEOS

All thes titles tell the story of how to get started if you don't already know.
And now Chriss has thrown down the gauntlet and promised to make you money in six weeks. What a challenge.

Here are some real testimonials from Chriss's site from real happy customers.

No. 1 Internet Service + No. 1 Internet Home Business!
Thanks to Chris I have found what works and what doesn't work, good honest reviews and actual stuff that works. I'm now making money online and very happy with these methods and information.

Fantastic educational service from a great teacher!
Despite covering the rather large subject of internet marketing very comprehensively, Chris Farrell also manages to explain it in the most easy Step by Step process.
Beyond what I could ask for!

Chris Farrell is one of, if not the most, honest and legitimate business men I have ever encountered. He has exceeded every one of my expectations immeasurably.

A+ Really Excellent!
My deepest thanks to Chris for his tutorial on how to make money online. He's such a great, great teacher, and it's very rare to see someone as genuine as him in the internet world.

I was a total Newbie...
...who had spent tons of money to learn how to start a web business. Chris is an exceptional teacher, who has taught me step by step the fundamental SKILLS and given me a foundation to build upon. Not only that, his support staff is excellent and very prompt and helpful. I would recommend this program to anyone who is floundering or just wants to learn.

Chris Farrell - The real deal...
...He will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step without all that tech talk on how to succeed.
He is very professional but at the same he talks like he is addressing you personally--1-2-1 in other words.

I can honestly say Chris has taught me everything...
...I needed to know to get a simple internet business up and running. He has taught me how to use the knowledge I had already acquired and filled in the spaces. Knowledge is only of use to us if we know how to apply it and Chris certainly knows how to do that.

I can't recommend this course highly enough!
As an ex teacher myself I can vouch for the fact that Chris has got what it takes to teach anybody who is prepared to put in the time and effort how to make money online.

Chris Farrell is the absolute best internet marketing teacher out there!
I have wanted to enter the online business community for a very long time, and now believe, through Chris, I have the skills to do so

earn money online within six weeks guaranteed!!!!!

Chris Mentor Me

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The rioters prayer

Our father who are in prison,
Only mum knows his name,
Thy riots come, read it in the Sun,
In Birmingham as it is in London,
...Give us this day our welfare bread and forgive us our looting,
As we're happy to loot those who defend stuff against us,
Lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing,
For thine is the spliff, the Blackberry and the lager,
For ever and ever...

Migrane's who need's them and why are they here!!!!??

Monday, August 8, 2011

Are we becoming Ants instead of sheep?
Statistics, statistics, statistics, if we take notice of these statistics we keep on hearing about WOW! will we be in trouble. It seems the whole world has been misguided and led down the garden path, in a direction forced upon us, by people who best take advantage of the way we first ask a question, to get an answer we need, to produce the correct statistic we require to point our lamb to the slaughter. Yes asking a well phrased question can ultimately give us the answer we require, to get the result we set out to get, without there being any chance of opposition to the desired result. The question is the key, asked in the right context, with a hint of persuasion we can get 80% of the people to give us the answer YES!, or NO, whichever one we want. We have become sheep following the poll's that say, Obama's great, Obama's crap, he wont get reelected, he wasn't born here, he screwed up with the debt ceiling. Sheep get a sense of safety and well being together in the flock, that's why they follow each other over the cliff to there doom. I ask are we somewhat guilty of doing that ourselves today. The housing bubble was a get rich quick passage of time where many joined blindly, while some looked on saying "this cannot keep going on", we still kept on jumping off the cliff, right up until the last minuet, buying that extra house that proved to be the bursting of the bubble. Supposedly the definition of being insane is to repeat a process over and over again getting the same result  but expecting the next time to be different. Maybe the world is insane, now there's a thought.  Information has played a big part in the way this has all evolved. A long time ago before the web, T V, the phone, before the wire, before  post. Information was a lot harder to obtain. Swinging people's attitude, support, vote, religion, belief, took a lot more effort. Public speaking was all the rage, where we got to hear from the guy with the opinion, the direction, the meaning of life. We got to hear and then make our own conclusion of what we had just witnessed. No statistics here, just good old listening, understanding, agreeing, disagreeing, discussion, WOW clarity as far as I can see making one's own decisions, evaluations. Back to the sheep, yes we still flocked a bit but not so unanimously, we had more varied ideas, we had more direct understanding, more personnel understanding. Now ants there's a subject? They seem to be the insect or animal of the day. No bleating, flocking, following each other over the cliff, No ants have antenna's, telecommunication, not a flock but still have a desire to stick together. They seem to go off alone a lot exploring, bumping into things bumping into each other sometimes, but then sharing information for the good of the nest and boy when they find that pot of gold do they get to work. I have seen lines of these critters 15 yards long toe to toe, antenna to antenna, three, four, five deep in places all working together for the same goal, a lump of meat or the like. There are maybe 5,6,7000 all doing the same thing. But its not jumping off a cliff. I now look at what is going on today with Egypt, Syria, America, London, many other places using there antennas to form groups who go on a rampage joined by the phone on twitter, Facebook, blogger. All with the same intent, idea, not jumping off a cliff, but getting the piece of meat.
Neil Roach

My Stupeflix Video

final cut.mp4

Friday, August 5, 2011

 Some general thoughts and idea's for today

I do not think that America is an equal land of opportunity. The reason I think this is because anyone has the opportunity, but not everyone seizes the opportunity. There is equal opportunity, but not everyone puts equal effort into the opportunity. When Americans first came to this land they were so eager to get a second chance they worked hard to strive for  a better life. This is still the case today for most people, but not all people. Some people just want it handed to them on a silver platter.

As shown in this image some people do not take pride in doing a job right.

In “America” one line in the middle reads  “strong, ample, fair, capable, rich”. None of these words say lazy, free, or easy… Even the poet Walt Whitman knows that we can all achieve success with good old fashioned hard work. When the poem says freedom that does not mean freedom to be lazy. This means freedom to be what we want to be, what type of work we want to do. “Love” does not just mean typical lovesey dovesey love,
it means to love this country America. We should be proud to be American, where we have the freedom of opportunity, we should be proud to be able to work where we want to work.
Taking advantage of our freedom not to work hard or trying to freeload is not showing love for our country.
America if we want our equality back it is simple, we need to work harder get off our backsides and put our best foot forward. The opportunity is out there, just don't back down, don't get lazy, take the bull by the horns and aim for the light at the end of the tunnel.


By Walt Whitman  
Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,

All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,

Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,

Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love,

A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,

Chair’d in the adamant of Time.