Monday, December 26, 2011

The Mirror often tells a different story!!!

Looking into the mirror is often used as a way of letting ourselves know that we can have a totally different opinion of how we appear to others and in fact a true test of whether or not we know who we are ourselves or whether or not we are telling ourselves we are something we are not. Sounds  confusing doesn’t it and yes it is if we don’t tell the truth.
Conscience plays a big part in all this. One thing about looking into the mirror is that we need to be happy with what we see coming back at us. Our conscience if it’s truthful, should be happy with what it is seeing and the way we are attempting our life. The start of the day is always the most difficult and a time that can set the pace for the day, that terrible decision of shall I sleep a few more minutes and drive faster to still get to work on time, what can I give up, the coffee, the breakfast, brushing my teeth, showering, combing my hair, negotiating my quality of life for laziness’s sake. We argue with our conscience (our higher power) over everything we do, our conscience taking the higher ground and “We” trying to take every shortcut known to mankind. This is why looking in the mirror is so hard to do; we know what the argument is about but not who is winning it. This is of course where the truth can be shaped to fit a less than productive schedule or made to suite our less than perfect moral standards. We can if we wish design a world where all the standards are set to our levels and interpretations. So how do we live with this confusion or is there really any confusion, if the truth be known, only “We” know, only we can really know the truth and self-incriminate ourselves for the lie,  unless we are that good we have begun to believe our own lies.
So in essence when all said and done  the point of the story, if you look into the mirror and start arguing straight away and seem to be leaning towards the lazier or less moral route to completing the task set before you. The likelihood is you are not listening to your HIGHER ,more moral, more conscientious, more energetic, POWER, I mean conscience.

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