Thursday, November 7, 2013

PropArmor propeller anti-fouling agent that's green clean and is not harmful to the planet WHYTOBUY?

Why PropArmor??????  was the question, 
Well here are a few points that might help you change your mind and send you to the BUY NOW page right away,,,,,
The Damage of Fouling.
Yacht and boat owners are familiar with the problems resulting from long term exposure of surfaces to marine and fresh water environments. Fouling, the accumulation of barnacles, tubeworms, slime and algae, is a significant issue that reduces the performance of vessels. The results are slower speeds, increased fuel consumption, extended dry-docking and higher maintenance costs. Propellers will lose power due to fouling. Expenses such as lifting and time consuming cleanings can add up. Protection from fouling is a worthwhile effort.
Protecting with Prop Armor

Coating underwater gear with a thin layer of Prop Armor is considered the best method to deal with fouling. This method is easier and less costly than dry-docking and expensive cleanings. There are several considerations when selecting Prop Armor. It should be suitable for propellers and other running gear, and should not react with bronze, aluminum, stainless steal, paint, or other materials that might be found in running gear. It should be chromate and lead-free. It should not contain Tributyl tin (TBT), an organotin compound banned in 2003 due to causing permanent damage to marine environments. It should also not contain pesticides, biocides, or other toxins. Prop Armor will resist weather and organic solvents. Application of the Prop Armor creates a smooth surface finish with anti-sticking property, as well as high resistance to UV, corrosion, impacts, and scratches.
About PropArmor
PropArmor is the latest marine product available to yacht and boat owners that provides an affordable all natural protective coating for underwater running gear, propellers, stern drives, outboards, and seastrainers. PropArmor's unique formula provides superior protection from the harsh underwater environment.
All Natural Marine Product
PropArmor is made with non-hazardous environmentally friendly renewable resources. PropArmor is easy to apply with reportedly excellent results.

 ''Finally a product that is environmentally ok and is relatively inexpensive compared to others.''

 ''I like the fact I am using an antifoul that is natural, and it works! ''

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